Sport Fishing Tactics in the Papagayo Gulf

If you request to target sail or marlin, the crew will set up a large teaser, baits and lures or use all lures. With this type of fishing, you will troll faster than normal to cover more seas to get that epic bite.
Teaser fishing is the most exciting part of trolling. This type of fishing involves hook-less lures called teasers which attract the fish into the spread behind the boat.

Live-bait fishing
Live Bait Fishing is the use of a live fish as bait– a live tuna (yellowfin, skipjack, bonito), blue runner, goggle-eye or sardine etc. – that sail or other sizeable predatory game fish would eat as a food source. Tunas must constantly be moving forward to breathe, and we have specialized tuna tubes to keep a few live ones ready.
Live bait is “bridled” with a floss or Dacron loop, being fed through its eyes socket above the eyeballs, which is used for the secure connection to the circle hook.

Casting – Popper fishing

Bottom fishing – jigging
You generally try to target bottom structures, rocks, reef wrecks, or ledges when bottom fishing. Inshore, bottom fishing (vertical jigging) will target snappers, groupers, amberjacks and more.